Scanning, sending, archiving

At your request, we can scan your documents and send these by email and/or traditional post service.

Scanning of one page1,50 zlotys
Sending your file to one email address3,00 zlotys
Sending your documents by priority mail in Poland8,00 zlotys
Sending your documents by registered priority mail in Poland11,00 zlotys
Sending your documents by priority letter abroad15,00 to 25,00 zlotys
depending on the country of destination.
Sending your documents by registered priority mail abroad25,00 to 35,00 zlotys
depending on the country of destination.

Prices for sending mail by traditional post service may change if the weight of letter is greater than 100g or if Poczta Polska alters its postage rates.

At your request, we may archive the translation files free of charge but we expressly disclaim any liability if the files are accidentally lost for any reason (human error, computer breakdown, software corruption, etc.)